Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Corporate Blog

Lockheed Martin's Digital Thread and PLM Approach

At our analyst event last month, Amy Gowder of Lockheed Martin presented on her company's PLM Approach. The title of her presentation: "Unprecedented Affordability, Productivity, Confidence and Fleet...

Embedded Software

What's my iPad for?

I have been the proud owner of an iPad for nearly six months now. As I wrote at the time,...

Corporate Blog

Designing the Product for the Factory and Vice Versa

In going through my notes from last week's PLM Connection Europe event, there were a few more highlights I wanted to share.  I was able to record a few minutes of Chuck's presentation that touch...

Simulating the Real World

Identifying Thermal Bottlenecks and Shortcut Opportunities - Taking Simulation to the Next Level

Simulation has, to date, focused primarily on the prediction of an operating state that is compared to a design acceptable...

Embedded Software

Scandinavian embedded

Last week, I attended the Embedded Conference Scandinavia in Stockholm. This event has been running for a few years now...

Corporate Blog

Clearing the Clouds - HP on Cloud Computing

It was a bit cloudy in Linz, Austria, last week. I took the photos above on Sunday before the conference from the view on top of Linz at the Pöstlingberg. The weather provided a nice backdrop to seve...

Corporate Blog

Shipbuilding Simulation and Logistics at Flensburger

Flensburger Shipyard (FSG) was established in 1872. That's nearly 140 years of building ships. Today their 730 employees produce 3-4 ships that can be up to 220m in length. Dirk Steinhauer heads the ...

Corporate Blog

HP's 3D Display and Color Printing Without Those Goofy Glasses

It looked like an optical illusion. I met briefly with Brian Armstrong of HP to find out what they were showcasing in their partner booth at PLM Connection. I was looking at a big screen displaying a...

Corporate Blog

Bloodhound Inspires the Next Generation of Engineers

Richard Noble calls it "education by stealth." He originally met with the UK minister of education to see if he would help get a jet engine for Bloodhound's quest to break the land speed record. He ...