Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Corporate Blog

Getting in Your Grill: Solid Edge ST3

I’ve been marketing Solid Edge for 5+ years. So I might sound biased, or a bit proud but I am quite amazed at how much folks are talking about the latest release. And who is doing the talking. In blo...

Corporate Blog

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks: ERA Detach Material

Find out how to reset face styles in Solid Edge rendering. This is a great tip if you are interested in submitting an image to us. The 2011 Calendar contest is closed but I heard through the grapevin...

Embedded Software

Bad food

I like food. I am not a fussy eater. Obviously I have preferences, likes and dislikes, but I will give...

Corporate Blog

Direct Femap Interface in ADINA

    In this rather small CAE world, I’m always pleased to see cooperation between simulation companies and interaction between their respective products, particularly if it helps an...

Embedded Software

The UI debate

User interfaces for embedded applications is a hot topic. Any marketing activity that we do in this area seems to...


Come to World Usability Day in Prague and win a polar bear!

We are proud to announce Polarion as a sponsor of ACM SIGCHI Prague, and we will be presenting at the World Usability Day in Prague. This is a free conference and you can register here. Jan Stawarczy...

Simulating the Real World

We Love FloTHERM - 8 Reasons to Upgrade to V9.1

Here at the Mechanical Analysis Department we love FloTHERM and we love developing FloTHERM to ensure it keeps up with...

Embedded Software

And you are?

I have always been forgetful, but, as I get older, I am sure it is getting worse. I read somewhere...

Corporate Blog

What Analyst Allan Behrens is Analyzing and Tweeting

This week I shared What Industry Analysts Are Saying on the heels of our recent analyst conference. My conversations with these folks always migrates to what they're seeing and hearing in the market ...