Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Corporate Blog

Robotic gun search with Process Simulate

We all marvel when we look at industrial robots working in perfect harmony, and doing some of the most complex manufacturing operations. However, before it gets to that stage lot of upfront planning ...

Embedded Software

In a state

Once again, I am going to look at a topic helpfully suggested by my colleague Rizwan Rasheed. Unless you have...

Corporate Blog

Meet Future Engineer David Paulk

Edison2's Brad Jaeger noted in our interview that he was "blown away" with the Solid Edge skills of the Auburn University FSAE engineers. One of those engineers you already met - Michael Nunnelly. Th...

Corporate Blog

NX Hints and Tips – Rapid Sketches

In this weeks video, we’ll show how to put together several techniques we’ve learned to create a simple gasket. We’ll create a sketch, constrain it, then revolve it. Next week, we’ll cre...

Corporate Blog

Inspiring Future Engineers With Greenpower

One of the interesting STEM projects we’re involved with is Greenpower. It is a design-make-race challenge to encourage students of all ages to consider a STEM career. It is a compelling challenge...

Corporate Blog

Why Brad Jaeger Became an Engineer

It was inspiring to see three “generations” of Solid Edge users interacting this week - professional, college and high school engineers all talking and sharing ideas. The student engineers enjoyed ta...


How to convert existing projects to make them Scrum aware in an easy way

If you want to scrum your requirements these are the first steps you should think about. I would prefer to work with user stories as your agile requirements which are planned in storypoints instead o...

Embedded Software

Multicore thread synchronization

An article by my colleague Faheem Sheikh has just been published in EE Times, which covers multicore thread synchronization. Apart...

Corporate Blog

Why Oleg Shilovitsky Became an Engineer

At Solid Edge University, I got my first live demo of Inforbix (the name meaning information business exchange). As Oleg Shilovitsky showed me the apps, reports, tables and charts, I found similariti...