Opcenter Execution Electronics

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Electronics 2304

Improving shop floor user experience and integration with Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics We are excited to announce that the latest…

Join Opcenter customers and experts at Realize LIVE 2023 in Las Vegas!

This year’s event will bring together industry leaders, software users, and experts from around the world to exchange ideas, learn from one another, and collaborate on solutions to the biggest challenges facing their organizations.

Three MES characteristics that support eight aspects of industrial competitiveness

Overcoming the Operational Squeeze As the world has become less predictable, manufacturers have had to learn to change direction quickly…

Integrated Factory Operations

IT/OT Convergence in Factories Today

The increasing complexity of today’s manufacturing industry requires manufacturers to add flexibility to their operations without losing efficiency or productivity….

What is new in Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics 2210

What’s new in Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics 2210

Improving user experience for Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics. Logistics management inside of the factory occurs in different places and levels,…


MES as a Core Innovation Target

A manufacturing execution system (MES) cannot be an afterthought; rather, it must be a core piece of factory innovation programs….

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Electronics 2210

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Electronics 2210

Using Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics to improve configuration efficiency for the MES We are excited to announce that the latest…


What’s new in Opcenter Execution Electronics 8.9

Improving integration with Valor Process Preparation and technology enhancements We are excited to announce that the latest version of Opcenter…

What’s new in Opcenter Execution Electronics 8.8

Improve scheduling and UX with planned machine downtime recognition and higher production throughput. We are excited to announce that the…