Why focusing on Quality rather than Compliance makes good business sense

In medical device manufacturing, as well as other regulated industries, we have served two masters. One is the end consumer, without whom we have no business. The other is the FDA (or other regulator…

Key criteria for getting faster ROI from your QMS implementation

Hopefully you are not thinking about how to get ROI on the Quality Management System you have already decided to invest in. If you’ve made the decision to invest funds, you’ve probably already made t…

Can you afford to aim for average? The cost of change in the med-tech industry

John F. Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.” It is an appropriate concept for the state of the medical de…

Camstar Enterprise Platform v7 is now available

We are excited to announce the latest version of the Camstar™ Enterprise Platform has been released!

Version 7 is now available. Camstar is the leading manufacturing execution system (MES) in t…

Optimizing Product Quality across the Entire Lifecycle

As we move from a regulatory focus on compliance to one of proactively addressing product quality, some manufacturers are already ahead of the curve. They have focused their culture from the top down…

Digitalizing medical devices manufacturing

While medical device manufacturers are focused on bringing innovative products to market, many are in recall denial, believing that recalls affect other companies, not them.
Unfortunately, FDA’s re…

On the Verge of the Digital Manufacturing Revolution

Siemens PLM and TATA Technologies to host seminar with MESA at DMDII on July 27, 2017
Learn about the future of digital manufacturing, and how you can transform your business into a more innovative…

Key requirements for seamless quality processing – ERP to PLM to the shop floor

Seamless quality processing… So where are your seams? When you look at non-computer-aided quality processes, the seams are everywhere. Not only across systems and the functions they support – for exa…

How does quality management relate to LEAN?

Often companies have separate teams driving LEAN initiatives and Quality initiatives. These teams are often at odds, debating what the higher priorities are among what can seem like competing goals –…