Picture of a manufacturing floor showing the connectivity between manufacturing systems, the cloud, and IIOT

MOM: Orchestrating the convergence of automation, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and enterprise systems

Along with Cloud/SaaS platforms and smart devices, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – the IoT for manufacturing – promises unprecedented connectivity, intelligence, and responsiveness.

COVID-19 and the future of manufacturing

As we have all been moving so quickly handling the many facets of this crisis, I finally took a few moments to reflect on the magnitude of it all. Sitting here in my basement office at my home, I have a few personal observations.

MD&D at a crossroads: digitalization and operational excellence for small-and medium-sized manufacturers

MD&D manufacturers are at a crossroads. They can tackle the challenges in the industry with innovation or with perseverance. Both…

The Pharma industry amidst the COVID-19 crisis

We are all reeling from the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many of us are just catching our breath and adjusting to a new way of life, some among us can’t afford to slow down.

Manufacturing Outlook 2020: The journey into next decade

As we begin this new decade, I’ve reflected these past few months on where we have come in the manufacturing industry, and where we are headed.

Smart Manufacturing for Semiconductor

Solving pressing production issues through smart technologies In a new white paper, Julie Fraser from Iyno Advisors explores the topic…

What’s New in Siemens Opcenter Execution Medical Device and Diagnostics 8.1

Expanding capabilities of responsive framework, enhanced security and technology We are excited to announce that the latest version of Siemens…

The Three Pillars of Electronics Manufacturing for the Future

The need to deliver a greater variety of products without compromising on quality and time-to-market demands a new approach to Electronics Design and Manufacturing.

Closed-loop Quality System for Industrial Machinery Industry

In the age of Industry 4.0, industrial machinery manufacturers face increasing pressures to help their customers implement innovative processes and…