
NX Synchronous Modeling Demonstration

This demonstration movie highlights the power of NX Synchronous Modeling to make very complex changes look easy. The example here is a design study and the addition of a secondary cooling fan for a car radiator. I take an existing design and adapt it within a matter of minutes using powerful synchronous commands. Its worth thinking about how long this would have taken without this capability.

Learn more about the latest release of NX here.

William Chanatry


One thought about “NX Synchronous Modeling Demonstration
  • Well done Paul, this video is huge, fantastic, I love it. it perfectly shows all the value of NX to our customers to constantly innovate, improve their existing product, find new solutions.
    it may be a coincidence that you post this a few days before Christmas, but a French initiative has just posted yesterday the second video in a long series. A simple coincidence that it is on the same subject

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