NX June 2023 release | Now available

We’re pleased to announce that our June 2023 release of NX™ software is now available. Our continuous release cycle enables us to listen to you, the user to ensure new functionality we add is what you need. We have a range of incredibly exciting new features, all integrated as part of Siemens’ Xcelerator portfolio, enabling you to create the most comprehensive digital twin.
We recently held our annual live YouTube premiere event to give you a taste of what to expect from this release. During the event, we focused on a specific case study around a coffee machine, and how functionality within NX optimizes the model sustainably, ready for manufacturing.
In the coming weeks and months, we will be bringing you deeper dives into each area explored; head on over and take a quick look to see what you can expect!
Sustainability Impact Analysis
Here at Siemens, sustainability is a way of thinking. We recognize how critical it is to ensure companies are operating more sustainably, whether that is from greater regulatory pressure, or to ensure you reduce wastage and impact on the environment.
NX Sustainability Impact Analysis puts environment impact assessment at the heart of the product design processes, enabling smart decisions based on accurate, up-to-date data. You’ll be able to view and evaluate the impact of your design decisions based on a set of 30+ environmental impact assessments; this includes CAD native machine learning-driven material recommendation capabilities based on real-world date and design requirements

“Designers and engineers are under unprecedented pressure to ensure that their products meet sustainability requirements. What has traditionally been unavailable is a fully integrated and efficient method of assessing the environmental impact of a product at the very formative stages of development, where decisions based on carbon emissions can sit alongside the other diverse factors involved in product development,”
NX Molded Part Designer
There’s a clear trend for manufacturers to reduce the number of design iterations and physical prototyping by enabling run time validations during the design phase. Consumers are looking to eliminate wasted molded part design iterations, but also looking to produce sustainable products – an area which continues to be a complex issue. With this mind, let’s take a look at NX Molded Part Designer…
NX Molded Part Designer is another new tool in NX, enabling you to add multiple standard plastic elements to a model in the most sustainable way. You can reduce costly design iterations by providing upfront molded part design guidance based on rules and experience.
Molded Part Designer creates a streamlined workspace for creating an accurate and detailed injection molded part. You can incorporate a range of molded part features, including snap joints, grooves, ribs, bosses and drafts. Where Molded Part Designer excels is the ability to generate these parts a lot quicker than modelling them on on their own, whilst maintaining greater control over their dimensions. Additionally, you can validate your molded parts throughout your whole workflow to ensure the parts will be manufacturable.

NX Performance Predictor
Product development across different industries, located in different locations all share the same challenges. They have to adhere to regulatory compliance, whilst having short product development deadlines within their ecosystem, whilst efficiency is reduced through limited collaboration and inefficient workflows. Introducing NX Performance Predictor.
NX Performance Predictor enables you to simulate parts you are creating in real-time, whilst also exploring different design and material choices. It enables designers to make the best decisions, whilst also enabling you to explore more concepts without prototypes and physical testing.
NX Performance Predictor enables simulation driven design earlier in the design cycle. The analysis you conduct is stored in the NX PRT file, whilst it also enables support of Design Space Exploration. It is also linked with Simcenter 3D, meaning you can conduct in-depth simulation of your part for validation, ready for manufacturing
Appearance Manager
Appearance Manager creates photo-realistic 3D renders of parts and assemblies with an extensive library of colors, finishes and coatings to choose from.
Appearance Manager is a key tool for any design team when creating multiple design iterations. Its ease-of-use ensures design teams can reduce the time taken to create different styles for a specific model to satisfy several conditions, ready for review. With an extensive materials library and data stored alongside part files as a BOM (Bill of Materials), Appearance Manager can be used confidently to visualize the digital twin for a dataset.

Continue your journey with NX
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the June 2023 release of NX – there’s so much more to discover for this release! In the coming weeks, we will be creating a series of content aimed to give you a greater understanding of these new capabilities and more. Be sure to check out the NX Design blog to take a look!