
What The ST4 Event is REALLY About

By MarkBurhop

I saw one of our users mention the  other day about not wanting to pay money to attend a “marketing event”.Some other designers set things straight but I thought I’d bring it up in a bit more of a public forum in case anyone else had the same impression.

Take a look at this list of technical sessions (Click here… I’ll wait) These are some quality classes being taught by the top people in the Solid Edge organization.  The nice thing about doing this event in Huntsville is that you have direct access to all the experts.

In fact, this event is more around community and we are not talking about the journalists getting to know the marketing people better (honestly, this is important – we’ve been dinged for not marketing our technology more. It is just that in some forums its better to focus on customers).Here, we want to make it easier for customers to get to know other customers and for users to get to know the people they work with at Siemens PLM (developers, GTAC technical support product planners, Field support and Testing, etc.). We all have a lot to learn from each other.

Now communities do best when they have some fun as well.  Being kind of a car guy, I’m actually quite proud of our marketing team for getting the Edison2 folks to do the keynote.  See the video at the end if you don’t know who they are.  Solving real design problems like this is what we are all about and I’m hoping to learn some things.   You can also win an iPad by showing off your own design and I hear our partners are setting up a fun after-hours event.

So, in the end, this is a lot of value for users at a price that is considerably less than other CAD events (you can fly here, register and spend a couple nights for less than the registration cost at other CAD get-togethers). And you lucky folks that can drive… whoo hooo – big saving for you.

P.S.  I’ve also been “beta testing” the WMS coffee machine for this event.  I’m pretty sure we will be winning the award for “Best Coffee at a CAD Event” this year. If you don’t see me at the “Solid Edge App Booth”, look for me in the coffee area 🙂

Check out Susan’s post and the video below for more info on the Edison2

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at