
Meet Future Engineer Sen Feng and PACE Team 5’s GoSozo

By Dora Smith

Future Engineer

Meet Sen Feng, a future engineer studying at RWTH Aachen University. She attended the PACE Annual Forum where her team competed in the Personal Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD) competition. 

Sen was on PACE team 5, which included students from RWTH Aachen University, University of Cincinnati, Michigan Technological University, Tecnological University Darmstadt and ITESM-Tecnológico de Monterrey.

future engineer

They named their PAMD device GoSozo, meaning imagination. The team designed the device for a Tokyo target market with 2.5 million commuters. They noted they had to pay particular attention to the city’s safety requirements since devices like Segway are not allowed.

future engineer design

From year one to year two of this competition, they focused on reducing weight and complexity. They used NX for design, engineering and analysis and Teamcenter for data and process management. They noted that the control unit was the “intelligence” of their product.

The GoSozo is made of aluminum and weighs 10 kilograms, outputs 350 watts from a 4 amps/hour batter. Top speed is 20 kilometers per hour. Their device performed well during the test drive except over speed bumps, which knocked the battery connection loose.

future engineer on PAMD

Sen is studying both business and engineering for a combined degree. She says the PACE competition taught her how important communication is and why choosing the right concept early on is key to a successful product.

To meet more students and future engineers, read more PACE stories.

– Dora

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