Engineers and a belief in magic

Engineers and a belief in magic

Recently I wrote about my need to understand things in the world around me. I have been considering this some…

My Dad, RIP

My Dad, RIP

Once in a while, I write a blog post that is very personal. This is such an occasion. My father,…

Six of the best – OS X features

Six of the best – OS X features

As a recent convert to the world of Macs, as I have documented before, I am commonly heard to enthuse…

What is money all about?

What is money all about?

Money is obviously important. It is a fundamental cornerstone of modern society. I, however, have never found it very interesting…

M is for …

M is for …

This is my last blog posting of 2015. I would like to thank everyone for reading my ramblings through the…

Apple getting it right and getting it wrong

Apple getting it right and getting it wrong

Everybody loves Apple. Well, not quite everybody. I was skeptical for a long time and I am still not uncritical,…

Live long and sauna

Live long and sauna

Some people love them and some people hate them. There is not too much middle ground when it comes sitting…

Hotel pros and cons and why I forget

Hotel pros and cons and why I forget

I stay in a lot of hotels. In general, it is not an exciting experience. People, whom I encounter, who…

Choosing my vegetables

Choosing my vegetables

A while back, I wrote about a topic that had been preying on my mind. I was concerned about choice…