Key Academic Content at Realize LIVE + U2U

Siemens’ Realize LIVE + User2User innovation conference starts May 26th and is available on-demand through June 26th. There’s so much amazing content to see from all around the company – including programming from the Global Academic Partner Program. We are highlighting some notable academic content that you won’t want to miss! The majority of the events included below will be available on demand once the conference begins. Register today for access to these events and many more.

MBSE and Industry 4.0
Meet the Experts: Leadership, Professionalism and Model-Based Systems Engineering – Transforming Engineering Education
May 26, 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM EDT – Live Session Only
This LIVE session features University of Michigan’s Aerospace Engineering’s new Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) lab course’s developer and a student. The professor of practice, who holds 30+ years of executive knowledge from industry, and a top student from the course talk with Siemens about their transformative lab course. The MBSE course goes beyond technical fundamentals in engineering education. There is a high demand for engineers with an understanding of MBSE and project leadership experience. Hear how they have enhanced engineering education to satisfy these industry demands.
Constituent Engagement – Educating the Workforce for 2050 and Beyond
On Demand
In this session, learn more about the intersection between Industry and Academia 4.0 from Morgan State University Dean Dr. Oscar Barton. From developing a Nuclear Engineering Program at the U.S. Naval Academy, to a Mechanical Engineering Department at George Mason University, and, now, a Mechatronics degree at Morgan State, Dean Barton certainly knows that in order to propel our workforce forward, transformative education must be prioritized.

Curriculum & Certifications
4 Reasons Why NX is Your Perfect Partner in Education
On Demand
Hear from Siemens about the benefits of NX CAD/CAM for students, faculty, and industry professionals. Students from all around the world talk about the impact that having NX experience had on launching their careers. In this 15-minute session, learn how to access free NX software and resources to enhance your skills and get certified.
Academic Partner Program Certifications and Digital Badges – NX, Solid Edge, Simcenter, and Amesim
On Demand
Siemens provides a wide range of software certifications at no cost via the Global Academic Partner Program. From NX to Simcenter, learn more about the wide variety of certifications and digital badges offered and get an insider’s look at the new certifications launching this year!
Demystifying Problem and Project-Based Learning in Academia
On Demand
Motivating students by emphasizing the desire to create gives them the opportunity to feel more in charge of their own education. Teachers, join Tom White, CEO of Tom White & Associates, to hear his view on how problem and project-based learning adds structure to curricula while also motivating students to be creative. White discusses how to pave the way for your students to find solutions to a problem and present these solutions with confidence.

Student Teams & Competitions
Agoria Solar Team Shares their Winning Competition Story
On Demand
In order to design their award-winning car, the Agoria Solar Team from KU Leuven, Belgium, used Siemens software packages. Learn more about their road to success and how they were able to use Siemens software to stand apart from the competition.
Driving Technology Forward: University of Michigan Solar Car
On Demand
Student competitions allow learners around the world to apply their education in engineering and related soft skills to a competitive environment. America’s #1 solar car competition team discusses how Siemens’ innovative software complements UM SCT’s Smart Mobility Solutions, leading the team to immense success.
Make sure to check out the rest of the conference as well; register here.