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Siemens Xcelerator Academy Experience

Your intuitive and interactive first step into the enablement experience of Siemens Xcelerator Academy Fast growing demand for Siemens Xcelerator…

Functional Verification – SystemVerilog: Class Member Visibility

Introduction Farmer Ted wants to keep track of the animals on his property and asks you to write the code….

Don’t Lose Sleep Over Memory Issues

Losing sleep and putting in exorbitant hours lately due to your latest high-speed circuit and the challenge to reach your…

Siemens Xcelerator Academy Platform Enhancements

Siemens Xcelerator Academy will release new features soon: Navigate your learning contents easier than ever before Siemens Xcelerator Academy introduces…

Tessent Diagnosis Course Now Available in the Siemens Xcelerator Academy

Did you ever wonder how to make something good out of something bad?   Of course, you have!  I’m sure after…

Design for Test: Where Did I Put My Keys?

“Now where did I put my keys?”  It doesn’t have to be keys.  It could be glasses, cell phone, purse,…

Sulzer and Siemens Xcelerator Academy Success Story

Sulzer uses Siemens Xcelerator Academy for NX and Teamcenter web-based training to establish a unified learning experience Siemens Xcelerator Academy…

Functional Verification: What is a SystemVerilog Virtual Interface?

When I learned the SystemVerilog verification features, one concept had me baffled – virtual interfaces. What are these and why…