Portable Stimulus 2.0 Ready for Public Review

As vice-chair of the Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group, it is my pleasure to announce that the Portable Test and Stimulus Draft Standard 2.0 (PSS) is now available for public review. Download the draft standard for review here.
The Portable Test and Stimulus Draft Standard 2.0 includes about 90% of the projected functionality that will be included in the official Portable Test and Stimulus Standard 2.0 release expected in March 2021. New major features improve the usability of the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard 2.0 and expand its portability and flexibility to a broader class of verification challenges.
Additions to the draft of the 2.0 standard include several new language features:
- Core Library for standard portable functionality and utilities for common PSS applications, including register accesses and memory allocation and management
- Collection types, including arrays, lists, maps, and sets
- Parameterized types
- Constraint enhancements, including default constraints and propagation
- Enhanced activity-level generation and scheduling constructs
- Improved portability of procedural constructs for test realization
Public review runs from November 18, 2020 to December 18, 2020.
Accellera’s Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG) welcomes feedback from the community on the major additions included in the draft while the group finalizes the remaining functionality. Feedback can be provided through Accellera’s Portable Stimulus 2.0 Public Review Community Forum.
I humbly encourage you to download the spec, look it over and give us your feedback. If all goes well, this will be the next significant step in functional verification and you’ll want to be able to say you were involved.