Thought Leadership

Texas-Sized DAC Edition of Verification Horizons Now Up on Verification Academy

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we just posted the PDF of the latest, Texas-Sized, DAC edition of Verification Horizons on the Verification Academy. In addition to my Editor’s Note, in which I liken what we do as verification engineers to my set-building experiences in local theatre groups, and brag about my daughter, you’ll find these fine articles:

We’ll have plenty of copies available at DAC. Be sure to stop by the Mentor booth (2046) or the Verification Academy booth (1215) to pick one up, or just to say “Howdy.”

Tom Fitzpatrick


2 thoughts about “Texas-Sized DAC Edition of Verification Horizons Now Up on Verification Academy
  • I am reading “MAKING IT EASY TO DEPLOY THE UVM” and it mentions about the “UVM Framework Generator”. I am not sure where can I find it? Is it part of Questa?

  • Our “Consultants’ Corner” feature highlights the work of consultants who are helping their clients develop and use UVM. For this particular application, you should contact the author to get more information: Christoph Suehnel

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