Thought Leadership

SystemC Standardization Cycle Completes

Open-Source Proof-of-Concept Library Released

Accellera Systems Initiative has released for general industry use an open-source proof-of-concept library as a companion to the recently minted IEEE Std. 1666™-2011, SystemC Language Reference Manual standard

In November 2011, the IEEE Standards Association approved IEEE Std. 1666-2011.  The completed and published standard was made available to the community as a whole for free in an agreement between Accellera Systems Initiative and the IEEE Standards Association in February 2012.   As a reminder, you can download your personal copy of IEEE 1666 here for free.

IEEE 1666-2011In the nearly 6 months since this version of the standard has been available about 7,000 copies have been downloaded under the IEEE Get program.

The previous version was also made available for free download and was just as popular as this version of the standard is.

1666-2011_Page_001While the approved standard was being made ready for publication, Accellera Systems Initiative was also busy completing the open-source proof-of-concept library.  After taking comments and feedback from a public review process, version 2.3.0 of the library was completed and is now available.

IEEE 1666-2011 added a number of important new features, including support for transaction-level modeling (TLM) that has proven to be an important element to enable high-level design and is a key component upon which the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is built from.

For those who want to used the SystemC library directly, it is now available for wide industry access.

Download Resources

The downloads from the IEEE and Accellera Systems Initiative will require some license agreement approvals.  The links are not one-click access to the material below.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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