Thought Leadership

Welcome to the Verification Horizons Blog!

By Tom Fitzpatrick

Hi Everyone,

As Editor of the Verification Horizons newsletter, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the newest facet of  our publishing empire, the Verification Horizons Blog. In this blog, I’ll be joined by Dennis Brophy, Harry Foster, and a host of other Verification Horizons contributors to keep you informed on the latest happenings in verification.

The advent of new technologies—such as constrained-random data generation, assertion-based verification, coverage-driven verification, formal model checking and Intelligent Testbench Automation to name a few — have changed the way we see functional verification productivity. This blog will provide an online forum for us to provide weekly updates on concepts, values, standards, methodologies and examples to assist with the understanding of what these advanced functional verification technologies can do and how to most effectively apply them. We’re looking forward to your comments and suggestions on the posts to make this a useful tool.

Of course, we’ll continue to serve our growing community of over 30,000 subscribers to the newsletter, but we hope to use this blog to talk about those things that might need to be discussed in a more timely fashion, or perhaps don’t require a full article to address. The comments section is a great way to “hear” what you think, too. Feel free to contribute to the discussion and suggest additional topics as well.

If you haven’t yet signed up for the newsletter, please visit our site to do so. I look forward to a lively online collaboration with you all.

Tom Fitzpatrick
Editor, Verification Horizons

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at