Altera Stratix IV

Component Assembly Risk Assessment tool in Valor NPI 2403

With a Manufacturing Driven Design, Valor NPI brings specialized component assembly knowledge into and throughout the entire NPI lifecycle. This allows designers and NPI engineers to have immediate and direct access to the knowledge of their specialists throughout the design flow, allowing individual and intelligent DFM reviews to happen at any all points of the process.

PCB DFM fabrication

4 things a PCB librarian needs to know about PCB fabrication

a PCB librarian also needs to understand how the PCB is going to be built by a PCB fabrication factory. The PCB fabrication process involves dozens of steps, which can often be more complicated than the PCB assembly process.

PCB assembly process and what a PCB librarian needs to know

The PCB assembly process: The 4 Things a PCB librarian must know

PCB assembly is one of the main fields that a good PCB librarian needs to know in detail, as it is the point where your board components interact with your final design. Understanding this interaction and the PCB assembly process in general is vital for your initial library creation and to ensure a seamless Design for Manufacturing strategy early in your design process.

Are you normal?

Siemens recently commissioned a survey through Aberdeen Research looking at the state of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry within North America and Europe to learn about the challenges the PCB industry sees. It covered the technologies they are implementing, the general timelines they are given, and to learn how Design for Manufacturing (DFM) strategies and software are being leveraged to help meet a company’s overall goals

PCB assembly machine

What is the PCB Design Process?

The PCB design process can be different depending on your company, but the fundamental aspects are all the same –…

PCB Designer on Valor NPI

How do you track changes made to your CAM files?

PCB DFM comparison of CAM files CAM Compare is a popular DFM tool that comes packaged with every version of…

PCB manufacturing capabilities

Why is Design for Manufacturing important?

Who is PCB DFM for? For those of us that have climbed a mountain to take in the gaze of…

PCB material selection

Choosing the right laminate for your PCB design

A balanced approach to material selection involves understanding and considering more than just electrical parameters. In general, with dielectric materials, every parameter that improves performance comes at a marginal increase in cost. Because of this, ensuring that you don’t overdesign within your materials is quite important.

IC PCB DFT image

Proactive Design for Test (DFT) best practices

The process of PCB DFT needs to be considered sooner and more proactively in our PCB design process, incorporated in the schematic phase, not during the layout phase. A designer should determine what nets will be needed to be tested based on their likelihood of failure and position those pins in open, accessible real-estate.