PLM software transforms machine building

PLM SaaS solutions transform machine building

The global pandemic has perpetuated a paradigm shift impacting the industrial machinery industry. The result is palpable in supply chain…

The Importance of Electrical and Electronic Systems for Vehicle Electrification

Vehicle electrification is a driving force behind the current upheaval in the automotive industry. Every automotive manufacturer has or will…

smart manufacturing competitive advantage

Smart manufacturing provides a competitive advantage

The innovations across the landscape of industrial machinery in manufacturing are witnessing a phenomenal overhaul of technological progressions. As a result, it…

Model-based product development

Model-based is a very muddied term in industry today, and it is most notable when looking at the digital twin…

Soaring innovation in aerospace and defense

Attaining the feats of the avian and select other species has captured human imagination for millennia. Flight was attributed to…

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics selects Siemens Xcelerator as the digital platform for today – and tomorrow

Lockheed Martin is a world leader in defense. They understand the importance of innovation, cost efficiencies and time to market….

A Closed-loop Development Process for Autonomous Vehicles – The Future Car Podcast – Transcript

The global pandemic has disrupted many aspects of society, including the processes of many major industries. The automotive industry is…

Vehicle Electrification: The past and the future of the automotive industry

The development of all-new electric cars has become a priority for nearly every major automotive manufacturer as they look towards the future. Most…

The power of the digital twin and advanced simulations explored in new whitepaper

At Siemens, we are excited by the potential for greater innovation, agility, and resilience offered by digital transformation and the…