Discovering the impact of sustainability on the automotive industry

Conor Peick: In this episode of the Future Car Podcast Nand Kocchar, VP of Automotive and Transportation Industries and I,…

The urgency of digital transformation in the trucking industry 

From emerging sustainability regulations to rapidly changing supply chains and driver shortages, the last few years have placed significant pressure…

3 ways automotive companies can embrace sustainability

The automotive and transportation industry is always evolving and pushing the boundaries of innovation and technology. In the current era,…

Building reliable ADAS and AV systems part 2 – Transcript

In this episode of the Future Car Podcast, Nand Kochhar and Gwen Van Vugt discuss the challenges of scaling automotive…

Exploring the impact of sustainability on the automotive industry

Industries around the world are reckoning with their ecological impact and placing heightened focus on improving their sustainability performance. This…

How data is fueling the future of autonomous vehicle development

Roadways have become increasingly congested and far more complex, generating demand for safe and efficient vehicles that are equipped to…

Navigating the challenges of developing ADAS and autonomous systems

As autonomous driving technology continues to evolve, we’re gradually inching towards a future where we may find ourselves with less…

Autonomous car sensors help keep drivers safe

The path to fully autonomous cars

The automotive industry can boast a long history of technological innovation, headlined recently by electric and autonomous vehicles (EV/AV). EVs…

Highway harmony: Future-ready roads for better transportation  

Due to rapid population increases around the world, commutes that would normally take 20 minutes have turned into a patience-testing…