How Yorkshire uses AI to keep their waterways clean

Now this might just be my American upbringing talking but when I think of Yorkshire three things come to mind:…

PLM software transforms machine building

PLM SaaS solutions transform machine building

The global pandemic has perpetuated a paradigm shift impacting the industrial machinery industry. The result is palpable in supply chain…

The Importance of Electrical and Electronic Systems for Vehicle Electrification

Vehicle electrification is a driving force behind the current upheaval in the automotive industry. Every automotive manufacturer has or will…

model-based systems engineering

The application of Model-Based Systems Engineering – ep. 6 Transcript

In this sixth episode of the Model Based Matters podcast series, we learn the importance of creating models while designing…

3D printed part with cutouts showing points of possible fatigue failure

Predicting fatigue in 3D printed parts

3D printing and additive manufacturing (AM) come with many advantages, geometries can be manufactured that were once impossible, adding complexity…

smart manufacturing competitive advantage

Smart manufacturing provides a competitive advantage

The innovations across the landscape of industrial machinery in manufacturing are witnessing a phenomenal overhaul of technological progressions. As a result, it…

Intuitive design using AI in NX Sketch

In a previous blog, I took a look at the way Siemens NX implemented AI to improve user experience through…

Model-based product development

Model-based is a very muddied term in industry today, and it is most notable when looking at the digital twin…

smart manufacturing advantages for parts

Smart manufacturing advantages for parts manufacturing

The industrial machinery industry is continuing to witness astounding technological advancements based on smart manufacturing. However, with ongoing changes comes the…