
Videos:  New features and enhancements in Tecnomatix Process Simulate (Spring 2019)

This video series demonstrates the recently developed robot programming, event-based simulation and virtual commissioning features and enhancements in Tecnomatix Process Simulate, including automated rule-based signal mapping, skid conveyers simulation, part detection sensors, and direct connection to universal robots and others.

Signal Mapping is a necessary step for Virtual Commissioning simulation. The new rule-based “Connect Signals” command allows users to author their signal naming convention as a set of rules and to execute it easily and for multiple components in a study at will to correctly assign signals to the right Logic Block in an error free and quick way.

Rule-based Mapping with the Connect Signal Wizard demonstration

Watch the video. Video Created by Vitus Hawkridge, Siemens

Conveyor simulation is made easier with the ability to dynamically source and sink Skids on a conveyor using logical conditions. This allows simulation of a long conveying system with an unknown number of skids as well as a more consistent way of handling both Skids and Parts as Appearances.  Videos created by Ido Rabia, Siemens.

Video: Conveyors: Skid Appearance Demonstration

Part detection is a key topic in any simulation based on events and logical conditions. Position Sensors allow both a greatly improved simulation performance of part detection and an ability to include sensors in other equipment directly via their inclusion in a Logic Block. Videos created by Ido Rabia, Siemens.

Position Sensor Short Demonstration – Watch the video.

Position Sensor Tutorial – Watch the video.

Virtual commissioning: Machine tending demo with PLCSim Advanced

Watch the video.  Video created by Gilad Milman, Siemens

Line Simulation:  Editing a line simulation study in Process Simulate on TC Disconnected – Watch the video. – Video by Gilad Milman, Siemens

Universal Robots Simulation: Direct connection to universal robots – Watch the video. Video by Ido Rabia, Siemens

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Watch more videos from the Process Simulate series.

Video series: Plan, optimize and validate robotic paint programs

The following set of videos shows how to plan, optimize and validate robotic paint programs in Tecnomatix Process Simulate, starting from defining the coverage patterns, up to the thickness validation of the paint coat layers.

Stephanie Aldrete


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