
Robot simulation software boosts profitability for AKE Robotics

By Stephanie Aldrete


ake-robotics_small_tcm73-127008.jpgRobcadAKE Robotics (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) configures and programs industrial robots for applications in manufacturing, assembly and logistics, for customers including Volkswagen, Volvo Gent, Mercedes, Audi and Seat.  AKE estimates that improved productivity has increased profitability of every project by 30 percent with the use of Robcad software.


AKE Robotics’ work in many situations can be constrained by time and space limitations.  Despite these limitations, the company must still deliver reliable, essentially flawless robot operations. When inaccurate installations occur, the problem results in costly production downtimes and expenditures to correct. To repair the errors, the work required trips to customer sites which reduced profitability.


To solve their business problems, AKE Robotics realized they would need industrial robot programming software that allows programming to be done offline (and not at the customer’s site) and robot simulation software that reduces errors found as the robots are being installed.  The company selected Robcad software, part of the Tecnomatix software portfolio, not only because the comprehensive solution satisfies their strict requirements but also because it is compatible with AKE Robotics’ parent company in Germany.


AKE Robotics 2.JPGAKE designers no longer waste time redesigning elements of a robot system that already exists.  They can also create systems that don’t require additional changes as they are installed.  Robcad lets the AKE team work remotely in the preliminary stages of a project, and allows them to detect and eliminate collisions early on. 


The implementation of Robcad has reduced the project travel costs by 25 percent, approximately $44,000 US dollars per year. Overall, AKE estimates that the improved productivity has increased profitability of every project by 30 percent.By using simulation to detect errors early in the development cycle, AKE enjoys a 60 percent reduction in the time needed to design and install a new robotic system.

Do you want to learn more about how AKE Robotics uses and benefits from Robcad?

Read the complete case study here.  

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