Saving manufacturers time with Teamcenter X

Did you know your brain can handle ±4 hours of quality “knowledge work” per day?! However, this doesn’t mean that…

Product Data Exchange between Diverse Schemas

Diverse schema support enables our customers to use product data exchange with a wide gamut of suppliers and partners and within their own enterprise easily and cost-effectively.

cloud for business has transcended multiple industries and is leveraged by companies of all types and sizes

All about Cloud PLM: Basics & Benefits

Discover the benefits of cloud PLM solutions

SaaS Software Simplifies PLM Implementation

Let’s dive into the process of how Teamcenter X commits to delivering your business benefits quickly

Product development project management with SaaS PLM

Product Development Project Management with SaaS PLM

Project managers have a mantra: Keep things on time and under budget.

Companies of all sizes are adopting cloud solutions, including cloud PLM software, to realize market success with cloud-based PLM

See How You Stack Up: Cloud-based PLM

Learn more about the benefits of cloud-based PLM, and how you stack up.

Product development startup companies can get off to a fast start with cloud SaaS PLM

Product Development Startup Secrets for Success

For most product development startup companies, an investment in software to drive innovation is critical to success. Cloud-based product lifecycle…

Interview: Cloud Strategy in the PLM Industry

CIMdata’s Vice President, Stan Przybylinski, recently sat down with Joe Bohman, to learn more about our cloud strategy.

Product Complexity is solved by PLM cloud around the world

Future of PLM with Cloud Applications

Joe Bohman and CIMdata’s Peter Bilello discuss product complexity and the future of PLM cloud applications including Teamcenter X.