Manufacturer of plastic components generates tool quotations 50% faster

Tool manufacturers need to produce accurate, professional, and quick tool quotations.
“Tool variance is steadily increasing; every part is different and often highly complex,“ says Thomas Doerfler, tooling department leader at Wirthwein.
For decades, Wirthwein has been a leading manufacturer of high-quality plastic components with production sites in Europe, Asia, and the United States. The company’s products are used for automotive applications as well as for railways, energy, household appliances, medical technology, and interior fittings. Wirthwein is a system supplier with comprehensive responsibility for the entire process – from “plastics friendly” product design through tooling design and mold making to production to assembly and logistics.

“If the material or design is changing, the mold must be changed as well,” says Doerfler. Meanwhile, the amount of time someone is willing to wait for tool quotations continues to get shorter. Today, a client should receive his offer within one week. Otherwise, the chances of winning the order decrease because of the increase of international competition. According to Doerfler, the effort involved in documenting and submitting tool quotations has also increased, requiring a cost breakdown sheet including all process steps and costing figures in detail. Therefore, the Wirthwein sales department demands a highly transparent breakdown of tool quotation items. “Our sales staff members need the most accurate and comprehensible numbers in the shortest time possible. Equipped with this information, they can speak the same language as potential clients,” says Doerfler.
Read the detailed story on how Wirthwein relies on Teamcenter® software from Siemens Digital Industries Software for quick and accurate tool quotations.