
Adopting Cloud PLM: Let’s Hear Your Perspective

By Katie Schwarzwalder

The survey has closed, stay tuned for the results!

Are you interested in more information on the topic of adopting cloud PLM? Check out the other Teamcenter cloud blogs, the Siemens Cloud Solutions page, and our Teamcenter X page for more information, including the Teamcenter X free trial.

Siemens – CIMdata Cloud / SaaS PLM Survey 

According to Gartner, over 75% of the customer relationship management (CRM) is on the cloud, largely driven by Salesforce. Why is PLM only about 10-15% adopting cloud PLM in the most recent CIMdata estimate?

In an effort to find out, we are working together with CIMdata and several other leading global PLM solution providers committed to SaaS and cloud for a research endeavor.

We invite you to take this 15-minute survey. Only summary statistics and charts of your responses will be provided and published by the CIMdata team (unless you provide some great answers to the open-ended questions, but the identity of the creative writer will still remain anonymous).

If you are pursuing PLM strategies already, please take a few moments to give your input.

Thanks for your participation and let’s get started!

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at