
Solid Edge Developer Day Coming May 12!

By burhop


I just wanted to let you all know we are again planning a Solid Edge Developer day for 2014.  This has been one of the highest rated sessions for Solid Edge University and we work hard to send people home with useful information.

Everyone is welcome to attend. We have a lot of customers automating Solid Edge and this is a great way meet your peers and improve your skills.  We also invite our sales partners to send their application engineers and our technology partners can send their developers.  Technology partners that sponsor can even get free access to Developer Day.

While we received good reviews for last year’s content, we do not want 2014 to be a copy of 2013. Some community help would be great to make sure it is the best event possible.  Here is what we need:

  1.  Several attendees from last year mentioned wanting to see a real addin presented from a customer or partner. If you have created an addin already, we would love to hear from you. Send me or Jason an email or post something here in the forum if you want to see if others would be interested in your Addin.
  2.  Let us know what new topics would be good.  The presentations from SEU12 and SEU13 are posted here in the developer community if you want to see what has already been presented.

We hope to see you all there!

Burhop Mark

Helping to bring the best technologies to Solid Edge and Femap users

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at