Productivity Summits 2013

Thanks to Dave Ault for reminding me of this.
The Productivity Summits are one day, free events, 8 am to 3:30 pm, held over the next few weeks at locations around the US and Canada. Some cities are the same as last year and some are different. And YES, they are starting NEXT WEEK.
If you haven’t been to one before, they are sponsored by Solid Edge corporate, have several technical sessions, and someone official from Solid Edge. You get a free lunch, and a head-full of stuff. It’s like Solid Edge University, but smaller. And free-er. And without the beer.
These meetings are also great to meet other Solid Edge users in your area, and yes, they are worth driving a couple of hours for. Reseller partners are generally on hand as well, but these are technical sessions, not sales demos.
If you aren’t on or moving to ST6 yet, there is still a lot of general Solid Edge information. Also, if you can’t come for the entire time, have a look at the agenda, and maybe just come by for the sessions that you are most interested in.
Did I mention that they are free? and about the free lunch? and that there are 6 technical sessions including What’s New in ST6?