Overcoming the three major complex assembly modeling challenges

How do you deliver increasingly complex product designs in less time, while also maintaining a competitive edge and gaining market share? We find that the most critical advanced assembly modeling challenges fall into three main categories: performance, usability, productivity. Engineers need to be able to address each of these challenges in order to build and visualize their product designs quickly and cost-effectively.
Trends in large and complex assembly development
Mechanical designs are changing fast. Advances in manufacturing techniques and rising demand for better aesthetics are causing product complexity to increase at an unprecedented rate. Many companies aren’t able to cope with this rising complexity — their existing design technologies simply aren’t able to match the pace of innovation. Under the constraints of shrinking project lifecycles and budgets, engineers need to be equipped with the right tools and technology to bring complex products to life and retain or gain an edge in the marketplace.
As products become more complex, their associated assembly models also become more complex. One factor driving the need for more advanced assembly modeling is the increasing size and complexity of today’s products. This is just one of many factors you should keep in mind.
In our latest eBook, Addressing three main challenges of modeling complex assemblies, we examine several trends that are driving companies to pursue increasingly advanced assembly modeling capabilities and technology solutions to realize productivity gains, reduce costs and accelerate time-to-market.

Addressing three main challenges of modeling complex assemblies
How do manufacturers deliver increasingly complex product designs faster? In this eBook, we examine cross-industry trends that are driving companies to pursue increasingly advanced assembly modeling capabilities, the primary challenges of complex assembly modeling, and how to overcome these challenges with modern technology and tools.
Solving assembly challenges with Solid Edge
Siemens Solid Edge® software addresses the requirements of complex assembly modeling, providing the advanced capabilities to expedite today’s product development process.
Using Solid Edge, engineers can create complete digital mockups that include all the components required for assemblies. The software enables you to create more accurate designs through analysis, reducing your reliance on expensive physical prototypes. Solid Edge can handle massive assembly sizes. This optimizes the required level of computing power you need by only activating the most relevant parts. Solid Edge does this with intelligence; it captures and adds mechanical and physical properties to accurately reflect the real world. This allows for a top-down design process, provides the flexibility to create a product structure, and allows engineers to seamlessly bring together the 2D and 3D worlds. Finally, standardized version and state tracking give engineers a holistic view of assembly models, providing the required level of accuracy and performance for the most advanced and innovative products.
Solid Edge allows companies to deliver increasingly complex product designs in less time, allowing them to maintain a competitive edge and gain market share. It achieves this by simplifying even massive assemblies and using structure-only navigation combined with fast drawing production. As a result, engineers can create full-size digital mockups, without the time or expense of relying on physical prototypes. To learn more, download the full eBook.
To learn more about Solid Edge capabilities for assembly modeling and hear stories from real customers addressing complex assembly management challenges, simply visit our website.
If you want to try the assembly modeling capabilities of Solid Edge for yourself, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial!
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