
Cincinnati EdgeGroup Meeting: April 13 – Register!

By MLombard


If you’re the sort to do things last minute, well, now’s your time to shine. The first inaugural Cincinnati EdgeGroup meeting is happening this coming Wednesday at the Milford, OH Siemens PLM facility (2000 Eastman Drive), lots of parking. The meeting is 12 noon – 2 pm. The event is free of charge, and open to all Solid Edge users, or those curious about the product.

The group is being run by Matt Johnson, a local user who has worn many hats in the Solid Edge world. Technical presentations will be given by Kevin Grayson, local Solid Edge technical representative. And you will get to hear from Jeff Walker, the Director of Solid Edge Products, about how the Solid Edge development process works, and how you can be a part of it.

There will be food and giveaways. You might even be able to get a voucher for a free certification test.

To register, send an email to You can also use the site to let us know you’re coming (you wouldn’t want us to run out of food, would you?)


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