The Most Extreme CFD Model Ever Ever

The Most Extreme CFD Model Ever Ever

Electronics are small and getting smaller. The world in which we live is tending to stay at the same size….

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part VII

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part VII

This series, despite being somewhat lengthy, is by no means a complete overview of the various methods, options and approaches…

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part VI

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part VI

On the sliding scale of thermal component model representation king of all is a ‘detailed’ model. A 3D definition of…

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part V

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part V

Like a river this blog series is slowing down due to its increased width and depth, that and a lot…

A trip to MPH and Top Gear Live

A trip to MPH and Top Gear Live

My current blog series titled “So, you want to predict component temperatures do you?” is a big chunky theme that…

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part IV

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part IV

Next stop on the avenue of package thermal modelling is 2 resistor CTMs (compact thermal models). Specifically Theta_jb and Theta_jc,…

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part III

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part III

The simplest of compact thermal models (CTMs) is a one resistor type. Of these the most widely quoted is Theta_ja…

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part II

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part II

Lumped block package representation makes the best use of limited available data to simulate for an ‘indication’ of case temperature….

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part I

So, you want to predict component temperatures do you? Part I

Prediction of component temperatures is central to electronics cooling simulation, the management of their temperatures  is central to electronics cooling…