Discover the new indoor pass-by noise testing facility at UTAC CERAM

When: Friday, June 2, 2017
Where: UTAC CERAM – Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry
Avenue Georges Boillot
91310 Linas – France
On Friday the 2nd of June 2017, UTAC CERAM unveils its new semi-anechoic chamber dedicated to indoor pass-by noise testing. With shorter vehicle development cycles and more stringent noise regulations, indoor pass-by noise testing gains importance. By eliminating exterior conditions, this technique permits more accurate and repeatable pass-by noise tests and supports innovative engineering approaches.
For more than 70 years, UTAC CERAM has worked closely in the acoustic and vibration field with major OEM and Tier1 suppliers for development, type approval and conformity of production of their products.
UTAC CERAM’s brand new installation includes sound insulation by dB VIB, a 4WD roller bench by CLEMESSY, two rows of PCB PIEZOTRONICS microphones combined with SIEMENS acquisition and analysis software.
The inauguration day is open to all members of the vehicle acoustics testing community. In the morning, several industry experts will present the new facility. Our SIEMENS expert will speak about innovative techniques in pass-by noise engineering. The afternoon includes a visit to the new acoustic laboratory and to the exterior pass-by noise testing track.
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