
Help us improve Polarion UX!

Improving Polarion’s UX

Our Polarion UX team is currently working on its usability feedback backlog. You and your teams are the most valuable drivers of the input and feedback that makes up the Polarion usability backlog.

The backlog survey is set up in a way that you can comment specific areas, so the feedback is precise and targeted. The survey will only take 10-15 mins of your time. Thank you in advance, your time and effort are highly appreciated. On behalf of the Polarion UX Team once more thank you!

Give Polarion Feedback 

Continuous UX enhancements

In the preparation for the UX backlog that aims to create a unified stream of possible UX improvement

the UX team works with as many feedback inputs as possible:

  • Previous usability studies

  • Heuristic analysis

  • Customer feedback through support

  • Customer requests


On top of this, the UX team conducts multiple interviews with a wide variety of stakeholders from C-level till daily users of Polarion. They also review current visions and industry trends as well as creating competitive analysis from different vendors.

Again we ask you to give your feedback as this is the most valuable piece to the UX puzzle.

Give Polarion Feedback

Wesley Aarsen


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at