
End-of-life for Classic Test Execution view in Polarion

By Jiri Jandl

Polarion sunsetted the Classic Test Execution view functionality already in Polarion 22 R1. However, we kept it “as-is” to allow testers to transition to the new Test Execution workflow.  

Classic Test Execution view vs Revamped view
Classic Test Execution view vs Revamped view

The Classic Test Execution view will be removed completely in Polarion 2304. We recommend using the revamped Test Execution view introduced in Polarion ALM 18.

Setting the com.siemens.polarion.ui.testExecution.oldExecutionView.enabled configuration property and runtime property testManagement.useOldExecutionView to true will have no effect.)

The revamped test execution view features a clean Test Execution form that focuses on the actual test steps and offers rich customization options out of the box. For increased clarity, individual Test Case execution iterations are always presented as individual rows in the table, allowing for filtering on a granular iteration level.

Users can take advantage of personal preferences like auto-advancing to the next Test Case in the queue, auto-starting the next queued Test Case, and auto-hiding the Test Record table, to name a few.

The revamped execution view can not only be used for test execution but is also an easy way to inspect the results of an already executed or partially executed Test Run. (With quick access to the test result filters and linked defects.)

The new execution view supports rich text formatting. Users can add Formatted text, tables, images, and attachments to test and individual test step result comments.

It also allows users to switch the execution view to a vertical layout that displays a list of test cases on the left and the execution pane on the right. This layout allows testers to view more data on widescreen displays and streamlines the execution by eliminating unnecessary scrolling.

If you have concerns regarding the removal of this feature, please contact your Siemens representative or leave us a comment here.


One thought about “End-of-life for Classic Test Execution view in Polarion
  • We recently updated to the version where the classic view is not showed anymore.
    I really don’t like the way we are forced into a method where you loose the overview during testing.
    In the classic view you have a table with easy overview if a test is passed or failed and can scroll fast between the different test step descriptions.
    Reading from left to right is (classic view) way easier then reading top to bottom.

    I know that sometimes changes are needed but in my opinion the classic view was the best we had.

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