
What is D-Cubed?

By John_W

When someone from Siemens PLM Software mentions “D-Cubed” they are talking about a collection of six Software Development Kits (SDKs) also known as “components”. These components are used by software developers to solve math problems and add functionality to commercial CAD/CAM/CAE and AEC software applications. These applications are used to design, analyze, visualize and manufacture all sorts of products from coffee makers to cars to aircraft engines and commercial buildings. Some examples of commercial applications using D-Cubed SDK’s are Bentley (AEC), Vero (CAM) , Altair (CAE), Onshape (CAD) and Solid Edge (CAD), to name just a few.

Software development companies use D-Cubed components because it saves them precious development time and provides a cost benefit compared to writing their own solvers. D-Cubed components include solving 2D and 3D geometric constraints  (2D DCM and 3D DCM ), creating new 2D geometries based on existing geometries (PGM), producing drawings and illustrations of CAD models (HLM), simulating moving parts (AEM) and detecting if moving parts collide and interfere with each other (CDM). These functionalities are very common in engineering applications and companies save time and money by using these components instead of writing their own.  This gives them more time  to innovate during development and add unique value to their applications.

John Whetstone

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at