D-Cubed 3D DCM Version 57.0
Key enhancements introduced in version 57.0 of D-Cubed 3D DCM (3D Dimensional Constraint Manager) are described below.
Equal distance constraints
3D DCM supports a wide variety of constraints. These can be used to fit together the geometry in a model, and to ensure that the geometry will be repositioned as required when any parameters (such as dimension values) are changed.
D-Cubed 3D DCM Version 57.0 introduces a new type of constraint – equal distances. These allow an application to specify that multiple distance dimensions should all measure the same amount, whilst leaving the value of those distances as a freedom.
In this release, equal distances involving combinations of points and planes are supported.
Blocks separated by equal distances – (1) separation controlled by a distance dimension
Equal distance value dimension
By themselves, equal distance constraints do not specify the actual separations of the geometries, only that they must all be the same. In some models the value will be determined by other geometries and dimensions, but in others it may remain as a freedom.
To use alongside the new equal distance constraint, a new dimension type is provided in version 57.0 to specify the desired value of a group of equal distances. This can either be a numeric value or a variable that is used in an equation.
Blocks separated by equal distances – (2) separation controlled by numeric value
Further partitioning
Recent releases of 3D DCM have been able to identify model partitions, which are regions of the model that can be solved independently of each other, enhancing performance. Further improvements to partitioning have been made in this release.
About D-Cubed 3D DCM
D-Cubed 3D DCM (3D Dimensional Constraint Manager) is a geometric constraint solving software component. Supporting a wide range of geometries, dimensions and constraints, 3D DCM enables 3D parametric sketching, part shape control using direct modelling, assembly part positioning and kinematic motion simulation.