Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Solid Edge

SEU 13 Photos on Flickr

If you want to relive a little of the glory of Solid Edge University 2013, or if you want to get a pinch of the feeling of what it was like to be there, click the image to the right to go to the Flic...

Corporate Blog

Recap of the 2013 Digital Manufacturing Symposium (Part 2)

In my last blog, I gave an update on our recently held digital manufacturing symposium at Sao Paulo, Brazil I promised to bring few more videos of our speakers from the event. First I want to shar...

Embedded Software

Three degrees of freedom

Developing embedded software used to be easy. Actually, that is not true. It has never been easy, but certain matters...

NX Manufacturing

Executive Insight: Boosting manufacturers big and small with PLM

By Zvi Feuer Senior VP of Manufacturing Software for Siemens PLM Software I'm doing a lot a traveling these days to places like Moscow, Dallas, Detroit, and Nuremburg. While much of the ...

Verification Horizons

Part 4: The 2012 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study

Reuse Trends This blog is a continuation of a series of blogs that present the highlights from the 2012 Wilson...

Simulating the Real World

Why Not Just Shove a Heatsink on Top of it? Part 3: Pads, Vias and Undersinking

An appreciation of heat flow paths is a pre-requisite for good thermal design. If you attempt to augment heat flow...

Embedded Software


Almost exactly six years ago, in the UK, we had a period of severe flooding. This was around the time...

Electronic Systems Design

Which do I choose - simulation or measurement?

When designing a PCB, part of the design process is making sure the PCB works correctly.  At the very least,...

Solid Edge

Get the Most from Synchronous by using a little History

Before I was hired by Siemens, I was asked to present at SEU13. I still consider myself a new user, and not an expert in any way, so I had to say something based on past experience, but demonstrated ...