AVAILABLE NOW! Opcenter Quality 11.1

We are excited to announce the availability of Opcenter Quality 11.1! It enables organizations to safeguard compliance, optimize quality, reduce…

NOW AVAILABLE: Teamcenter Quality 4.2

We are excited to announce the availability of Teamcenter Quality 4.2! Delivering a holistic quality management solution for Teamcenter PLM benefits, Teamcenter Quality 4.2 enhances advanced product quality planning (APQP), problem solving, quality issue management and quality action management.

QMS Professional

Siemens QMS Professional Version 10.07 has been released!

We are excited to announce the latest version of Siemens QMS Professional Version has been released! Version 10.07 is now available.

Industrial Machinery and the Seven Tools

In his 1990 bellwether Introduction to Quality Control, Ishikawa stated: “They were named the Seven QC Tools after the famous seven weapons of the Japanese Kamakura-era warrior-priest Benkei which en…

Meeting Regulatory Quality Requirements in the Automotive Industry

How many mistakes do we make? Do we really solve the problems? Sometimes typical solutions to a problem are based on quick actions to contain the problem itself. But only if we deeply analyze root ca…

Integrated Quality Tools for Supplier Quality Management

Increasing global competition over the past decade has forced automotive OEMs and their suppliers to improve quality and efficiency. There is a growing need for tools that make it possible to measure…

Optimizing Quality in Industrial Manufacturing with FMEA and SPC

Innovative processes and new technologies together are having a huge impact on the internal complexity and cost of manufacturing. The way in which manufacturers of industrial machinery adjust to thes…

NEW VIDEO: Digitalization in manufacturing quality management

View this new video for a look at the new opportunities digitalization is creating in quality management operations. Learn about:

The shift from defect detection to defect prevention

Smarter Quality Systems for Smart Products: Managing Embedded Technology in New Product Development

Consumer preference is growing for smarter, more intuitive products, from door locks that can be unlocked remotely using your cell phone to integrated smart home systems that network your heating and…