NEW: June NX Release Details

Today you should be receiving an update to your NX software. Following our 6 month release schedule (also called continuous release) you can expect to receive persistent upgrades to your NX software.
Follow our NX Design blog in the coming months for a detailed look into the enhancements for this release.
The innovation continues…
NX continues to leverage the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to deliver the best solutions to our users. We are delivering the best suite of integrated solutions on the market today and we continue to innovate to deliver new solutions that add value to our customers. Continued investment key areas like Model Based Definition allow companies to engineering and production increasing the value of the comprehensive digital twin. Ongoing investment in embedded validation tools to give confidence in design quality and fitness of purpose. Please read on to find out more.

NX at the Heart of the Comprehensive Digital Twin
By continuing with your investment with our NX software you can expect to see an advanced and modern technology framework. Current NX directly reads and enables modification of previous NX and Unigraphics released data. Did you know this includes the very first Unigraphics release back in 1984? We are also an open solution which integrates well with your existing IT systems.
Discover NX

Framework that reduces the overall learning curve and promotes industry best practices based on usage pattern and actions. We’ve enhanced the Discover NX page with Fast Start videos, Release Highlights, Tips and Suggestions. Providing an enhanced visual learning experience for both new and experienced users. NX will automatically serve suggestions and best practices based on NX usage and user profile. Discovery center now supports immediate trial license activation for the Technical Data Package, Realize Shape, and Animation Designer.
A Continued Investment in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
With this release of NX you can expect to use AI to improve selection workflows.

What’s new:
•Selection Prediction allows you to predict input selection object for modeling functions
•Select Similar will identify geometrically similar components with machine learning enabled shape recognition
Did you know we have a voice command assistant now? Enable smart human interactions with this NX voice assist to transform multiple levels of menus and clicks with keywords.
These are all standard features in our Mach3 Product Design bundle and our Mach 3 Industrial Design bundles.
Visualizing the Digital Twin

New capabilities to enhance visualization workflows in order to increase your confidence in product design. What’s new:
What’s new:
- Improved Decal Capabilities
- Customer driven performance enhancements
- NX Extended Reality
New! NX Reporting

Get product visibility, manage risks, resolve impact, and formulate design decisions.
What’s new with NX Reporting:
•Leverage Mendix platform to open access to key design information
•Publish NX data to Mendix cloud, on-demand or in batch mode
•Generate and publish custom reports to track progress of your design at various levels
•Seamlessly review product reports in order to execute on strategic decisions
Faster design change and adaption with Synchronous Modeling

With this update of NX there is increased support for early design studies and concept development. With these updates you can “Move Component” with “Move Face” which provides simultaneous part and assembly changes. There is also a “History Free” mode which allows fast changes to explore new options in industries focused on short lifecycle products.
There are new selection methods for ultra-fast modifications. “Clone selection” makes mass changes easy. “Resize Hole” is the first implementation of this new technology.
Advancing the art of the possible within a single, integrated environment | NX Additive Manufacturing updates

In this release for Additive Manufacturing NX has made specific design for additive workflows 50-75% more productive!
What’s New?
•Model cleanup and preparation for printing
•Voronoi and Minimal surface (Gyroid) structures combined with robust implicit modeling methods
•Support for engineering porous structures
Design of performance optimized structures

NX Lattice Structures design supports design forms only realizable through additive methods.
What’s new?
•New unit conformal body lattice type
•Rod and ball diameters can now be controlled associatively by fields
•New organic blending factor released in Dec’20 MU creates organically blended structures
•Automatic continuous UV parameterization for cylindrically aligned lattices •New curve aligned parameterization
•Tetrahedron fill now supports volume only option
•New randomization option in Voronoi type
•Enhanced lattice preview graphics with endcaps
Collaborative design made easy: Multi-user assembly design

Introduced in December 2020, NX supports a truly collaborative design environment by proactively notifying users of changes in their design context.
What’s new for this release?
•Expanding on the capabilities introduced in December 2020 to allow users to be notified about changes to unloaded parts
•Ability to subscribe to unloaded parts – receive check-in, check-out and save notifications
•Explicitly subscribed part will be followed even after they are closed
•Users have the option to load parts from the notification
•Notification Center supports multiple card arrangement options
NX Structure Designer: Faster integration to simulation for more time to refine designs
With this update you can expect new capabilities to build structural frames for a faster streamlined path to simulation. With structure designer you can also expect a better manufacturing documentation process.
What’s new:
•Improved corner control makes it easier to connect multiple beam sections
• Automated beam preparation command creates beam centerlines, attaches cross sections, and beam materials to speed structural analysis
•Automated meshing in Simcenter3D, further simplifies the process

NX Model Based Definition
In other solutions, creating annotations for Model Based Definition is a manual process. We’ve changed that.
Rapid definition and authoring of product and manufacturing information using user-defined rules with an emphasis on capturing company-specific business logic.
What’s new to PMI:
•Automated PMI authoring without extensive knowledge and experience using CAx-PMI
•Enhanced Logic Editor diagramming to deliver a number of key customer driven productivity enhancements
•Increased use of machine learning and artificial intelligence
Remove dependency on highly trained Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) experts and improve quality
with PMI Advisor. This is a fully integrated PMI validation solution that provides notifications verifying whether PMI is compliant with industry and company standards. PMI Advisor is a configurable rule-based approach to quality checking. This supports multi-CAD validation requirements and the alerts that are provided are shown in the navigator.

With NX Model Based Definition there are new enhancements benefiting productivity gains.
What’s new to NX MBD:
•Find data based topological feature recognition
•Isolate specific type and size
•Leverage industry-standard lookup tables for tolerances per hole type and size
•Author PMI size dimensions – 1 click
•Support for associative update

Locate, interrogate and feed consumption of model-based content with our new MBD Query for a quick, efficient and smart search! Save time locating and organizing relevant information with our Query Navigator. Perform an advanced search with MBD Query rules. This feeds downstream processes with relevant information without manual sorting and interaction.
New! NX Coatings

Expand the use of Model Based Information. NX Coatings is a new and fully integrated application that allows specification of coatings for product design.
What’s new with Coatings:
•Assign surface coatings using NX material libraries
•Define regions with specific coating treatment
•Group coatings into stack ups
•Calculates mass properties to determine coating effect
•Add coating content to the Parts List and/or BOM
•Annotate the coatings in PMI and Drawings
•Visualize the results using high resolution rendering
•Integrated with Teamcenter
Animation Designer – Increase confidence in your design

Animation designer first came out with NX 12, but since then has seen many improvements to increase your confidence in your designs. With this release there are new capabilities which reduce the time taken to get accurate motion studies.
What’s new:
•Improved open performance for large products
•Multiple motors per joint
•Trace curves of moving parts validate keep out zones
•Configurable collision detection

You can also see motion paths for quick motion analysis. Extract tracing curves of moving components which can be used to better visualize motion paths. Motion envelops show the occupied volume of a moving component and new Tracer curves track a point on a moving component.
What’s new:
•Configurable accuracy for fine/coarse results
•Use multiple Tracers to see several paths
•Tracers are curves that can be used for modeling
•Change color and line type to distinguish Tracers
Vehicle General Packaging and Validation

The Vehicle Design Automation toolkit offers a wide range of out of the box occupancy and mechanical packaging functions. This enables validation in the preliminary and detailed design stages of vehicle designs.
What’s new for this release:
•This release expands the capabilities to include the needs of trucks and heavy equipment
•Update and support for latest automotive and earth moving equipment industry standards (SAE, ECE, ISO, etc.) for repeatability and standardization
•Support for latest pedestrian protection standards
NX Human Modeling

Perform ergonomic studies from inside NX to increase confidence in your designs.
NX Human Modeling:
•New human figures provides an enhanced visual realism for issue communication. New body shape modeling with bodyscan level realism gives greater insight into space claim requirements
•Advanced scaling allow figures of specific body proportions to be generated – for example for standards adherence
•Represents the latest in human figure modeling technology, allowing for next level human centered design
New Product Modules
NX Coatings – NX30164
•Available in the token pool
•Prerequisite: Mach 1 and above
•Teamcenter 13.1 required for BOM support
NX Extended Reality – NX30236
•Available in the token pool
•Prerequisite: Mach 1 and above
NX Voice – Command Assistant – NX30282
•Prerequisite: Mach 1 and above
Thank you for reading our NX update for June.
Please follow our NX Design blog for more detailed information regarding this release in the coming months.
To see what’s new in NX for Manufacturing – please click here
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Pls. tell me. In which NX-version all these explained enhancements and new features are built in? NX1980???