A head-on picture of a cargo ship at sea

The benefits of integrating simulation into the ship design process

In the design spiral approach to ship design that’s been the standard for decades, there has been almost an invisible…

A picture of a cargo ship out at sea

How the ship design process needs to change for a sustainable future

Marine vessels are some of the most complex machines on the planet, with many systems that need to work in…

An image showing a blueprint of ship design plans

The 5 key trends driving ship design right now

The world has been focusing more on creating a sustainable future for the planet in recent years. With the planet…

From design spiral to V-model: Changes in the ship design process

We’ve written before about the need for the marine industry to move away from the design spiral approach to ship…

futuristic image of a ship compass

Better ship design efficiency through better process orchestration

Shipbuilding is increasingly complex. Modern vessels are more high-tech and need to satisfy a lot of requirements. How can shipbuilders…

A picture of a boat's wake making a circle in the ocean meant to symbolize integrated ship design and engineering

3 crucial elements of an integrated approach to ship design and engineering

The marine industry has had to manage growing complexity in recent years as a few significant trends have impacted operations….

A picture of a spiral seashell

Why the marine industry needs to ditch the design spiral in ship design and engineering

While the traditional design spiral method for designing marine vessels has been around for decades, new technology and new pressures…

A digital simulation of the frame of a ship

Five reasons to adopt a simulation-driven approach to the ship design process

We’ve discussed before the need for naval architects to move away from the design spiral method of designing ships. Developed…

A man thinks about how technology can contribute to sustainability efforts

How can the global shipping industry become more sustainable?

Global shipping activities are estimated to contribute 2-3% of total global carbon emissions annually. As temperatures continue to rise around…

Sailboat on the horizon

Sail away with our maritime on-demand webinars

Reconcile work and leisure by attending some of our most exciting on-demand webinars for the maritime industry. Did your long-awaited…