Co-create data-driven production future at Realize LIVE

Industrial Operations X workgroup at Realize LIVE 2024 Americas on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00am

Siemens and AWS are empowering operational excellence by optimizing data contextualization in manufacturing

Siemens and AWS are taking the next step in their collaboration to deliver and take to market industrial applications to…

Insights Hub dashboard user

Announcing new upgrades to Dashboard Designer

In early 2023 Siemens rolled out Dashboard Designer, a paid add-on app to Insights Hub, which revolutionized the way Insights…

Siemens and Voltaiq collaborate to optimize battery manufacturing 

The world is relying on battery-powered products more than ever, from the largest vehicles to the smallest personal devices. Experts…

woman at workstation in a manufacturing setting

Insights Hub and the industrial IoT – What’s new April 2022

We empower industries to generate new insights New in industrial IoT: Insights Hub Monitor Rules and Insights Hub Predict Anomaly…

Man in factory looking at a tablet

Insights Hub what’s new: Closed-Loop Digital Twin and Secure Data Sharing – March 2022

With our most recent Insights Hub update, digital twin capabilities have been reorganized to improve the user experience.

Two men in manufacturing plant standing at a computer

Standardization in the industrial Internet of Things – OPC UA protocols

Standardization in the industrial Internet of Things is an important part of connecting machines. With standardized protocols, machines of different…

Man with goggles holding a tablet in a lab

IoT made simple with Insights Hub Predict

Connecting your machines to the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is a great first step toward collecting and analyzing data,…

Man wearing green helmet examining a piece of machinery

Setting realistic expectations for your industrial IoT journey

The movement towards IoT usage can seem daunting. But realistically, a client may start IoT through many different entry points.