
DeepChip: Joe Sawicki on ML, Calibre, Solido, VC funding, and heuristics

By nileshthiagarajan

Excerpt from article: “DeepChip: Joe Sawicki on ML, Calibre, Solido, VC funding, and heuristics


I mean, what, are you [Siemens EDA] doing? Just slapping on Machine Learning everywhere, like back in the old days where everything was “Open Systems”?


Absolutely. Just put ML on everything and it takes care of all the problems.

I mean basically, what’s happening… I think I can find a question in there…

As I was saying earlier, it’s always fun when the guy who moderates a panel is actually the troll on your panel. [laughter]

View the entire article and video on DeepChip originally published on September 12th, 2019.

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