Hail the straw man

Hail the straw man

There is an English idiom: “There are many ways to skin a cat”. Unpleasant an image though that is [even…

Seeing the light

Seeing the light

I observe in the news that the US government is “catching up” with Europe and progressively banning the sale of…

Death by PowerPoint

Death by PowerPoint

In business, and in many other fields in life, it is hard to avoid being the victim of The Presentation….

The first 12 notes of a song

The first 12 notes of a song

If you are reading and come across a word that you do not understand, and you feel suitably motivated, it…

Am I fit?

Am I fit?

Maybe it is an age thing, but I do concern myself somewhat with my physical fitness. I am not overweight,…

A random act of kindness

A random act of kindness

On a certain level, I am quite an emotional person. But, being English, I usually keep it quite well hidden….

Who do I think I am?

Who do I think I am?

I have always been prone to enthusiasm. Indeed I have described my job function as being a “professional enthusiast”, as,…

Not going metric

Not going metric

I have always felt that the UK is in a curious position. Geographically, we are part of Europe. Politically and…



What is it with collecting stuff? Most people that I know have collections of something or other. It is common…