Thought Leadership

ESE Kongress

By Colin Walls

This week, an annual conference on embedded systems normally takes place in Stuttgart, Germany: ESE Kongress. I have presented at this conference a number of times in recent years and I particularly appreciate the opportunity as it is mainly a German language event, with just a few English sessions. This year, it was unsurprising to hear that ESE Kongress had “gone virtual” – all sessions will be online.

My presentation will take place on Wednesday 2 December at 15:40 CET [14:40 GMT]. Here are the details:

Addressing Safety and Security in Multicore Systems

The use of multicore SoCs in embedded designs is on the increase and there are multiple incentives for this design decision. In this session, we will review the available multicore architectures and show how they are leveraged with a selection of software configurations. The use of multiple operating systems on heterogeneous multicore devices will be explored, and how this facilitates the design of systems with multiple time domains – basically real-time and non-real-time components. Additionally, the concept of mixed criticality will be introduced – a design approach for systems where safety and certifiability are key requirements. Certification effort and costs can be minimized, while still meeting the requirements of the worldwide authorities.

I have a slight personal disappointment about this event not being “live”. Apart from preferring a real audience over a virtual one, I had a recreational activity planned for my free time. Some years ago, when going to this conference, I had some spare time and located an amazing spa in the vicinity. I liked it so much that I even considered taking a day trip to Stuttgart to visit it with my wife [which maybe we will do one day.] The following year, I was going to the conference again and planned a spa visit. I checked online and discovered that the spa was indeed open on the day of my visit, but it was one of a handful of days that are designated “ladies only” [this is not uncommon in German spas]. Just my luck. Then the same thing occurred the following year! This year, when we were still hoping for a live event, I checked up on the spa and everything was looking good …

If you would like a copy of my presentation, please contact me via email or social media.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at