Thought Leadership

DevTalks Reimagined

By Colin Walls

There has been a strong trend, in recent years, towards online events that either replace or augment traditional face-to-face activities. We run frequent webinars and these are invariably very popular and successful. I have often been able to address many hundreds of people from around the world without leaving the comfort of my home office. This trend has accelerated drastically in recent weeks …

Since the COVID-19 crisis has started to affect everyone, there has been a rush to respond by organizers of events. Some things have been cancelled entirely. Others have been postponed. But many have “gone virtual” – been replaced by an online event. Of course, such a change has pros and cons, but overall it is felt that it is better than nothing. In many cases, organizers of events are seeing new potential, as they have greater geographical reach. I believe that, going forward, we will see many more events that are planned as online from day #1 and also hybrid events, where is is a “real” event which may also be accessed in some way online.

I was contacted by the organizers of an event that takes place in Rumania – not a country that is considered mainstream in state-of-the-art technology, but it seems that they do have a thriving high tech industry. There is an annual conference that has an embedded software stream. As this is outside of the geography in which I normally operate, I had not heard of DevTalks. They suggested that, since they now had much greater reach, I might be interested in participating – and they were right!

My talk will be at 07:15 UTC on Friday 12 June. Here are the details:

Selecting an Embedded Operating System

Most modern embedded systems employ an operating system [OS] of some kind, and this necessitates some critical design decisions. Should you obtain a commercially available OS, choose one of the “free” offerings, or develop one in-house? If the acquisition of a commercial OS is planned, how do you make the selection? This session reviews in detail all the facets of the make vs. buy and OS selection decisions – both technical and commercial – for an OS on an embedded design.

If you would like a copy of my presentation, please contact me by email or via social media.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at