This blog is a place to learn about electronic systems design, from PCB design to simulation and verification, to manufacturability and manufacturing execution.

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When to Flex?

When to Flex?

Flex and rigid-flex PCB design is becoming increasingly popular as consumers (and many other markets) choose thinner, lighter, and more…

Why Do We Keep Doing Things the Old Way? A Story of Nets Crossing Gaps.

Why Do We Keep Doing Things the Old Way? A Story of Nets Crossing Gaps.

Remember the old times when we used to have a dedicated person type up all our letters? For better or…

What’s New in Xpedition – System Design

What’s New in Xpedition – System Design

In the previous What’s New in Xpedition blog post, we reviewed the new data management functionality that is available in…

SerDes Design Part 3: Compliance Measurements Using Eye Diagrams

SerDes Design Part 3: Compliance Measurements Using Eye Diagrams

In my continuing series about SerDes design, I’ve discussed the first steps you need to take toward SerDes channel compliance and…

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: Can Electrical Sign-off be Automated?

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: Can Electrical Sign-off be Automated?

Dive into the world of Electrical Sign-off using automated Design Rule Checking. Learn how implementing this process can help reduce…

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: Can Electrical Sign-off be Automated?

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: Can Electrical Sign-off be Automated?

Electrical sign-off has become, more than ever, a critical part of the PCB design process. Manually doing this, as has…

What’s New in Xpedition – Data Management

What’s New in Xpedition – Data Management

In the first What’s New in Xpedition blog post, we reviewed how the Xpedition VX.2 series of releases address the…

SerDes Design Part 2: Serial Protocols and SI Methods Trends

SerDes Design Part 2: Serial Protocols and SI Methods Trends

In part two of my blog series about SerDes design, I talk about the evolution of SI analysis methods with…

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: 7 Habits of Highly Efficient PCB Designers

PCB Tech Talk Podcast: 7 Habits of Highly Efficient PCB Designers

Designing a PCB is similar to a complex puzzle, except there’s no picture on the box to follow. Every step…