
Announcing the PCB Tech Talk Podcast!

By John McMillan

Today I’m excited to announce a new podcast – PCB Tech Talk! In the first episode I talk about a paradigm shift in routing.

Listen to the first episode and subscribe to the podcast by clicking on from your mobile device or manually adding the podcast within your mobile podcast app using that same link. Or, if you prefer, you may listen through the player below. Future episodes will be announced here on the blog and will show up in your podcast app of choice if you subscribe.


Have questions or topics of interest? Add them in the comments below or send them to so that we can feature them in future episodes. 

PCB Tech Talk: Episode 1 – The New Path to PCB Routing Success

Ask any PCB designer you know about autorouters and you’ll likely get the same response, “they just don’t get the job done.” You’ll often hear that autorouter results “aren’t good enough or even close” to being comparable to what PCB designers know they can accomplished with hand routing.

Packing 10lbs in a 5lb Bag

Fact is, when we break up todays PCB design cycle into individual tasks – like library development, schematic, component placement, pre-routes, etc., one of the biggest, if not the biggest chunks of time we spend on the design is with design connectivity. That is, turning all those rats, thousands even tens of thousands in many cases into traces.

Oh, and if things weren’t already tough enough how about adding rules and constraints to 90 percent of those nets!

Rules on EVERY net?  So what!

With designs becoming more complex, rules on nearly every net, and PCBs becoming smaller and denser every year, autorouting designs is not getting any easier.

But, imagine this — a new technology, one that combines automatic routing power with user-controlled interactive routing. That is, a technology capable of producing the same high-quality results that are achieved with hand routing.

Seeing is believing!

Sound interesting? Listen to my podcast and you’ll learn about a new technology called Sketch Routing.


2 thoughts about “Announcing the PCB Tech Talk Podcast!
    • Hi Mark,

      I’m sorry to hear that the RSS feed is not displaying our first episode. We are unable to replicate this warning message so I’m wondering if you would be willing to provide some more information so that we can look what might be causing this. What type of device are you using and which podcast app? Also, did you manually enter the link or did you click on it from within this page from your mobile device?

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at