
Learn About The 12 Component Properties Your PCB Library Should Never be Without

PCB design is a complicated task, partially because each design task has an effect on the outcome of the rest of the design stages.


Get your ducks in a row !

Of course, you need to design your schematic, make sure you have no signal- and power-integrity issues, place your components, route your board, make sure your design can be manufactured, and so forth. But how much more complicated is it when the very basics, the library upon which you build your design, are poorly planned and poorly implemented?

Before your first schematic symbol ever touches the first sheet of your design, you need to set up your project library. Read this article to learn more about the twelve component properties you really should pay special attention to, to make your life a lot easier down the road.

To read the full article click here.  Also, if you want to learn more about how to ensure your design library content is accurate and reliable – download this whitepaper entitled “Six Things You Want to Have in Your Desktop PCB Design Library

Thanks for reading,



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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at