
Driving next generation E/E systems development

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Modern electrical/electronic (E/E) systems are characterized by a huge growth in complexity and depend on integrated electrical, electronic and software systems for innovation, while demanding robust verification & traceability. Disruptive trends such as electrification, autonomy, increasing program complexity and new compliance requirements are impacting automotive, aerospace and adjacent industries. However many industries suffer from outdated, disconnected and siloed product development methods across these areas that do not scale and cannot satisfy the need for coherent solutions to help meet productivity and safety demands.

The root cause of many issues found in systems today are from the silos that pervade the organizations and product development approaches. These silos inhibit innovation and quality, with the impact typically only being exposed when multiple sub-systems are brought together during system integration builds.  This often surfaces technical issues that can cause program schedule slips due to necessary engineering changes.  The ability to create transparency between these silos and blur domain boundaries across the E/E systems lifecycle is vital.

Silos are a significant challenge for many organizations developing complex E/E systems

Connecting the different development stages can be facilitated by approaches that foster data sharing across the full product life cycle. From systems engineers defining features early in the process, to the publication engineers at the production end delivering service documentation for maintenance centers, there are opportunities for reducing errors and accelerating development during any stage across the process and full product life cycle. 

Today we announced how Capital has been expanded to help transform E/E systems development.  The addition of extended E/E systems development capabilities to Capital, the leading solution for the design, manufacture and service of electrical systems, enables support for software architectures, communication networks & AUTOSAR compliant embedded software within the Xcelerator portfolio. These capabilities can be used to design and assess E/E systems and enables support for integrated end-to-end model-based design, manufacturing and service domains.

The new Siemens Capital E/E Systems Development solution enables companies to drive electrical, electronics, network and embedded software design from the E/E systems architecture and enables support for comprehensive end-to-end model-based product design, manufacturing and service.
Capital expands solution to drive electrical, electronics, network and embedded software design

Today we announced how Capital delivers a holistic E/E systems development environment enabling engineering excellence at each domain level. By adopting a model-based engineering paradigm, engineering processes can increase automation and quality while reducing cost and risk.  Such automation is not limited within a domain but expands the connection between the disciplines. Companies can promote and enable inter-dependencies across disciplines with respect for the downstream workflow requirements.

Comprehensive E/E Systems Development delivers the means to bring products to life: Holistic development of E/E Systems, including electrical, networks and software flows is vital.  These activities are core to any complex system design.

Creating transparency between silos, blurring domain boundaries across the E/E systems lifecycle: Capital blurs boundaries across engineering, manufacturing and service to improve quality and accelerate product development.

Expansion of Siemens’ Capital portfolio brings new levels of integration for holistic engineering: Part of Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, Capital’s electrical heritage is extended into an unrivaled portfolio to help transform system design for complex products initially targeting automotive, aerospace and adjacent markets.

Part of Siemens Xcelerator, Capital’s electrical heritage is extended into an unrivalled portfolio to help transform system design for complex products initially targeting, targeting automotive, aerospace and adjacent markets.
Capital contributes E/E systems development capabilities to the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio

This is an important set of new capabilities for our customers that are creating complex system products. Drive the system development and digital model-based system from architecture, into design, development, optimize manufacturing and into service. In the rapidly changing world of mobility, platforms are quickly evolving. Learn more about the Capital solutions.


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