인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝(ML)은 전자 설계 자동화(EDA)를 포함하여 전 세계 산업을 변화시키고 있습니다. 기능검증(FV) 분야에서 이러한 기술들은 효율성, 정확성 및 자동화를 향상시키는…
By Yunhong Min, Support Application Engineer, DVT Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are transforming industries worldwide, including Electronic…
For an SSN design, only the SSN bus data in, SSN bus data out, SSN bus clock, and the TAP…
Logic Built-In Self-Test (LogicBIST/LBIST) embeds test circuitry directly within a chip, making it an essential feature for modern integrated circuit…
Modern technologies like AI, IoT and other smart systems need a large amount of data storage leading to an increase…
With the latest developments in the electronic industry, supporting revolutionary complex systems such as Autonomous vehicles or AI products/chips system-in-package…
Tessent Diagnosis leverages failure data from manufacturing tests, scan test patterns, and design information to pinpoint and classify defects causing…
As part of the Tessent Memory BIST solution, Siemens provides a library of test patterns or algorithms for testing your…
The Tessent Scan Streaming Network (SSN) is a powerful tool that facilitates efficient testing of integrated circuits (ICs) by optimizing…